Postcode Address Lookup Tool
Postcode Address Lookup Tool
Irish Address Look-up
An Eircode is a seven-character alpha-numeric postcode. Each Eircode is unique to a postal address and its geographic location.
Over 35% of addresses in Ireland share their address with at least one other property, making it difficult to find the location of a specific address. Unlike other countries where postcodes define a cluster or group of addresses, in Ireland a unique Eircode is assigned to each residential and business postal address.
An Eircode is made up of two parts, a Routing Key, and a Unique Identifier.
The Routing Key consists of three characters. This is a combination of numbers and letters and identifies the principal post town related to a building or property’s postal address. The Routing Key characters are the same for all Eircodes assigned to addresses within that postal area.
The second part is the Unique Identifier and consists of four characters. The unique identifier is made up of numbers and letters. The Unique Identifier is unique to an address and its geographic location – it distinguishes one address from another within a postal area.
A typical Eircode might read A65 F4E2.
UK Address Look-up
Search for UK business addresses
You can also search for business addresses in the same way. If the company name is very common (for example, ‘Tesco’), you may need to provide more details such as the town or street name.
Search for a building name in the UK
Some homes or business addresses use a name instead of a street number. This name is an ‘alias’ but every property still has a street address, even if it isn’t commonly used. You can use either to search for an address.
For example, ‘Media House, London’ or ’32 Coin Street, London’ will give you the same result.
Search for Welsh addresses
Postcode Finder will search for Welsh addresses if you’re searching in English or Welsh. If you prefer, you can change the language to Welsh by clicking ‘Fersiwn Cymraeg’.
- Start typing a postcode or any part of an address and results will start appearing
- The more information you provide, the more you’ll narrow your search
- You can then scroll through the results to select the address you need
Please note: you can only search for UK addresses using our Postcode Finder.
Please let us know if you see an address which looks wrong or needs updating.
What next?
Now you have the correct address why not get a quote today with It takes two seconds and could save you up to 60% when compared to going direct with a carrier!
Hit the button below and enter the destination along with your weight and dimensions and get an instant quote today to see how much you could save.